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Middle School Electives

While striving to provide a dynamic, venturesome and well-rounded education for its students, Epiphany Catholic School offers the taking of electives at the Junior High level. These varied elective courses are a key developmental component in helping students at that stage of their learning to discover passions, dimensions and aptitudes they possess. As such, electives are an integral part in nurturing self-discovery and self-esteem. Listed below are the elective courses the school offers.



This course will allow students to explore a variety of media to create 2D and 3D art.  They will build upon knowledge of art terms and various drawing skills.  Artwork will be stored digitally in their online digital art portfolio.  There will be opportunities for applied students to participate in contests and showcases.


This course, available to 7th and 8th grade students, allows them to learn and develop skills needed for play in many of the varied team sports the school competes in throughout the year. Intramurals encompasses the sports of baseball, basketball, flag football, soccer, softball, and volleyball during their respective seasons.

Media Production

The Media Production elective educates students in the fundamentals of broadcast journalism, by introducing the basics of television pre-production, production, and post-production work. The class will be taught in a collaborative approach by two instructors with real world professional experience who will provide hands-on classroom instruction. This will create a unique learning experience on how to use video production to tell a story. Students will learn the basics of scriptwriting, camera operation, mobile filmmaking, basic lighting, audio, editing, on-camera performance and podcasting. Students will work in teams to accomplish most of the production assignments. The goal is to create a monthly news magazine program for the Epiphany community that will be viewed in school and online. 

 Life Skills

This course is designed to help students grow in carrying out fundamental duties of healthy self-management, shared living and hospitality. In doing so it aims to help students evolve in self-ordered, well-rounded and welcoming ways.  The course highlights essentials about personal appearance and hygiene, time and money management, housekeeping, nutrition, cooking and hospitality.  The course serves as an integral aid to personal and social maturity.

World Languages

This course provides students with an introduction to the linguistic and cultural world of French and Italian.  The course, which is meant to be a preamble to more advanced high school level studies in its subject area, seeks to spark interest, discovery and further exploration of those and other foreign languages and their cultural milieu.  The first semester of the course is dedicated to French and the second to Italian.


E-sports/Gaming is a multiplayer video game played competitive for spectators but it’s an opportunity for students to socialize and have fun together based on their hobby of playing video games. Students will have the opportunity to play multi-player games against each other, single player games, and spend time discussing gaming strategies and preferences. Student will also have the opportunity to build a Gaming PC and learn how to use the program called Twitch.Tv.

Games will be approved on an individual basis. Students will be expected to get along with all other students in the program and follow school disciplinary policy.


This course capacitates students in teamwork-building and programming of robots.  It introduces them to the fundamentals of AI, visual coding, and machine learning. Programs typically incorporate competitive challenges through which students task their robots with specific actions.

Drama & Faith

This course will allow students to explore the exciting elements of drama through the lens of our Catholic faith!  It will offer students the opportunity to create and perform skits that highlight real-life, everyday scenarios that challenge and call youth to courageously live out their faith and love for Jesus.

Musical Theater

This class features the combined splendor of drama and music while introducing the history of Musical Theater.  Students will learn basic acting, vocal technique, dance and movement, and staging while building confidence and cultivating a love for performance.  The curriculum will focus on the early years of Broadway through its Golden Age and Changing Times.  

Upcoming Events

Alumni Mass


We invite the members of the Epiphany graduating Class of 2021, to attend an Alumni Mass in their honor as they prepare to graduate High School in May.

Mass will be at 7pm.

Reception to follow in the courtyard after Mass.